Every time I get stressed about something, I look at this gem and remember it could be worse!
As a new graduate, there is one word currently scaring the life out of me - RESPONSIBILITY.
I have sent over 100 emails to every magazine I can think of, asking, no, begging for work. And I'm willing to work for free!
The problem is, Central London + life = very expensive, and whereas a one year internship with Elle would make me wee with excitement, how on earth are you supposed to live?! Rent is almost £140 a week, add on food and you need £160 just for basics, and that's without travel or *gasp* tall vanilla lattes!
But all things considered, I know it could be worse. I'm healthy, have a great family, great friends, a couple of delicious handbags and a full head of hair.
So as I send yet another application, and beg once again for money to write, I shall keep remembering: It could be worse.
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