About Me

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I am a journalism graduate and LCF student desperate to break into the fashion industry (desperate being the operative word). I currently write for daisygreenmagazine.co.uk and runninginheels.com, and right here is where I vent my trials and tribulations, style and fashion cravings. I am a handbag addict, as well as loving a good old cup of yorkshire tea. Give me jelly babies and I will love you forever. I need to learn French so I can live in Paris with a pug and a wardrobe full of gems. I will always return to my first love - London town. As far as I am concerned there is nothing in life that cannot be solved with a good handbag - preferably a Chanel.

Sunday, 6 June 2010

It's All About the Right Nail Colour

As far as I'm concerned, the right colour of nail varnish can totally make you. It can add a smile, make an outfit cuter, funner, quirkier, sexier - I just love it!

I was there when the buzz started about Chanel's ‘Jade’, and I was also there when it was announced that it had sold out. I was one of the saddos who was going into Chanel boutiques and counters and hounding them, and ringing Selfridges and asking if they did mail order. The answer was no, in case you wondered. But then I rejoiced when I found a suitable, and cheaper, alternative - ‘Mint Green’ by Barry M.

It doesn't have the sheen of Chanel's own shade, but it is an almost perfect colour match. And whenever I wear it, at least one person always asks “is that Chanel?” So it's as good as the real thing!

As far as Chanel polishes go, I do hold a soft spot for them. Possibly my upmost favourite one is my ‘Blue Velvet’. It's a more interesting alternative to black, but has just as much impact. It's just very, very cool.

Great sunny shades are ‘Miami Peach’ and ‘Ming’. They are a orange and pink and brighten nails instantly. They have little specks of glitter in as well.

A great festive shade is ‘Gold Shimmer’. Its a rosy coloured gold, and looks great under the Christmas lights.

Barry M is a great brand for budget varnish that has real staying power. Their turquoise and grey are great colours. The blue is very Whitney Port, and instantly adds interest to any outfit. The grey is another alternative to black, and is very on trend for this season.

Finally, ‘Sherbet Lemon’ by Boots 17 is very cute. It's playful and I can't wait to wear it with my sandals on holiday.

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